[TOP] [各国動向一覧]









l        Fact Sheets No.1/January 1999, No.10/June 2001 & No.6/March 2002

l        国連子ども特別総会への貢献として作成されたパンフレット

-           Child Impact Assessments: Swedish Expericne of Child Impact Analyses as a tool for implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

-           Ending Corporal Punishment: Swedish Experience of Efforts to Prevent All Forms of Violence Against Children - and the Results

-           Children as participants: Swedish Experience of Child Participation in Society's Decision-Making Processes





-           「子どもの権利条約実施のための総合戦略を起草:日本こそ求められるスウェーデンのとりくみ」月刊子ども論1999・5

-           「世界で進む『子どもに優しい都市』(CFC)に向けたとりくみ」子どもの権利研究2号(2003年2月)




国家子ども事務所(National Children's Office)のページ










国家子ども青少年文書分析センター(The Italian National Childhood and Adolescence Documentation and Analysis Centre)



*英語参考文献:In Primo Piano NO.4 (May 2002): ITALY FOR CHILDREN - Dossier from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies Department for Social and Welfare Policies in view of the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Children, New York 8-10 May 2002, Italian National Childhood and Adolescence Documentation and Analysis Centre/Istituto degli Innocenti di Firenze, Florence, 2002








ARC 平野裕二の子どもの権利・国際情報サイト ©2003 http://homepage2.nifty.com/childrights/