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Alston, P., et. al, The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003


O'Flaherty, M., Human Rights and the UN, Sweet & Maxwell, 1996


Flood, P. J., The Effectiveness of UN Human Rights Institutions, Greenwood Pub Group, 1998


Ramcharan, B. G., United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: The Challenges of International Protection, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Hague, 2002


Vijapur, A. P., The United Nations at Fifty: Studies in Human Rights, South Asia Books, 1996


Wagner, T., et. al., Fifty Years After the Declaration: The United Nations' Record on Human Rights, Rowman & Littlefield Pub Group, 2001


United Nations, The United Nations and Human Rights 1945-1995 (United Nations Blue Books Series 7), Bernan Association, 1995



United Nations, United Nations Action in the Field of Human Rights, Bernan Association, 1989


United Nations, Human Rights Bibliography: United Nations Documents and Publications 1980-1990, Bernan Association, 1993


United Nations, Human Rights Today: a United Nations Priority (UN Briefing Papers), United Nations, 1999


Robinson, M., Realizing Human Rights (Romanes Lectures), Clarendon Press, 1998


Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Training Manual on Human Rights Monitoring (Professional Training Series No.7), United Nations, New York & Geneva, 2001

★★★☆☆ 国連人権オフィサー向けの国際人権法・人道法トレーニング・マニュアル。国連機関や人権NGOのフィールド職員にとっては役に立ちそうですが、そうでない人にとってはいまいち中途半端かも。でも子どもの権利条約の解説はなかなか的を得ていました。


Katayanagi, Human Rights Functions of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002


Bailey, The UN Security Council and Human Rights, Palgrave Macmillan, 1994


Ramcharan, B. G., Humanitarian Good Offices in International Law: The Good Offices of the United Nations Secretary-General in the Field of Human Rights, Aspen Pub, 1983


Snider, D. M., The United Nations at Fifty: Sovereignty, Peacekeeping, and Human Rights, Center for Strategic & International Studies, 1995


Human Rights Watch, The Lost Agenda: Human Rights and UN Field Operations, Human Rights Watch, 1993


Rodley, N. S., To Loose the Bands of Wickedness: International Intervention in Defence of Human Rights, Brasseys, 1992


Butler, W. J., United Nations World Conference on Human Rights: The Interdependence of Development and the Constitutional Order, American Association for the International Commission of Jurists, 1993


Conversation With Michael Novak and Richard Schifter: Human Rights and the United Nations. Interview Held Apr 3, 1981, AEI Press, 1981


Green, J. F., United Nations and Human Rights, Ardent Media Inc, 1958


Humphrey, J. P., Human Rights and the United Nations: A Great Adventure, Transnational Pub, 1984


Humphrey, J. P., On the Edge of Greatness: The Diaries of John Humphrey, First Director of the United Nations Division of Human Rights : 1948-1949, McGill Queens University Press, 2000


Hobbins, A. J., On the Edge of Greatness: The Diaries of John Humphrey, First Director of the United Nations Division of Human Rights, 1958-1966, McGill Queens University Press, 2000


Hobbins, A. J., On the Edge of Greatness: The Diaries of John Humphrey, First Director of the United Nations Division of Human Rights 1950-1951, McGill Queens University Press, 2000

A. J. Hobbins (著) ハードカバー (1996) McGill Queens Univ Pr



Hobbins, A. J., On the Edge of Greatness: The Diaries of John Humphrey, First Director of the United Nations Division of Human Rights Volume 3, 1952-1957, McGill Queens University Press, 2000




Morsink, J., The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Origins, Drafting, and Intent, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2000


Glendon, M. A., A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Random House, 2001


Danieli, Y., The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Fifty Years and Beyond, Baywood Publishing Co., 1998


Amnesty International USA, Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948-1988: Human Rights, the United Nations and Amnesty International, Amnesty International USA, 1988


Wronka, J., Human Rights and Social Policy in the 21st Century: A History of the Idea of Human Rights and Comparison of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights With United States Federal and State, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Inc., 1998




[人権条約の国内適用・救済] *救済については自由権規約の項も参照。


Heyns, C., et. al., The Impact of the United Nations Human Rights Treaties on the Domestic Level, Aspen Pub, 2002


Goldman, R. K., et. al., The International Dimension of Human Rights: A Guide for Application in Domestic Law, Inter-American Development Bank, 2001


Orlin, T. S., et. al., The Jurisprudence of Human Rights Law: A Comparative Interpretive Approach, Syracuse University Press, 2000


Jayawickrama, N., The Judicial Application of Human Rights Law: National, Regional and International Jurisprudence, Cambridge University Press, 2002


Commonwealth Secretariat, ed., Developing Human Rights Jurisprudence: Eighth Judicial Colloquium on the Domestic Application of International Human Rights Norms, Commonwealth Secretariat, 2002


Yourow, H., Margin of Appreciation Doctrine in the Dynamics of European Human Right's Jurisprudence, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Hague, 1996


Shelton, D., Remedies in International Human Rights Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999


Bayefsky, A. F., et. al., How to Complain to the UN Human Rights Treaty System, Transnational Pub, 2003


Zuijdwijk, T. J. M., Petitioning the United Nations: A Study in Human Rights, Palgrave-Macmillan, 1982



Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights et. al., Manual on Human Rights Reporting under Six Major International Human Rights Instruments, United Nations, Geneva, 1997

★★★★☆ 国連主要人権6条約の報告マニュアル。各人権条約機関の委員・元委員が各条項の解釈も含めて執筆しており、ある種のコンメンタリーとしても用いることができます。


Alston, P., et. al., ed., The Future of UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring, Cambridge University Press, 2000

★★★★★ 国連人権機構内部でも強い影響力を持つオルストン教授の編集により、多数の識者が各人権条約機関のこれまでを検証して将来に向けた提言を行なっています。研究者だけではなくNGO関係者も読んでおいたほうがよい文献。


Bayefsky, A. F., The UN Human Rights Treaty System: Universality at the Crossroads, Aspen Pub, 2001

★★★★☆ 莫大な予算をかけて行なわれた、国連人権条約システムに関する調査研究の報告書。さまざまな統計数字も含めて興味深い知見も多いものの、やや独善的に感じる箇所も少なくありません。国連人権高等弁務官事務所の反応も冷たいようで、どのぐらい影響力があるかは未知数。研究者向け。


Bayefsky, A. F., ed., The UN Human Rights Treaty System in the 21st Century, Aspen Pub, 2000




Nowak, M., U.N. U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: CCPR Commentary, N P Engel Pub, 1993


Bossuyt, M. J., Guide to the "Travaux Preparatoires" of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Aspen Pub, 1987


Joseph, S., et. al., The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Cases, Materials, and Commentary, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001


McGoldrick, D., The Human Rights Committee: Its Role in the Development of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994


Boerefijn, I., The Reporting Procedure Under the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Practice and Procedures of the Human Rights Committee, International Specialized Book Service Inc, 1999


Ghandhi, P. R., The Human Rights Committee and the Right of Individual Communication: Law and Practice, Ashgate Pub Co, 1998


United Nations, Selected Decisions of the Human Rights Committee Under the Optional Protocol (33rd-39th Session, July 1988-July 1990), United Nations, 2003


Zwart, T., The Admissibility of Human Rights Petitions: The Case Law of the European Commission of Human Rights and the Human Rights Committee, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Hague, 1994


Weissbrodt, D. S., The Right to a Fair Trial Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Background, Development, and Interpretations, and Interpretations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Hague, 2001


de Jong, C. D., The Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion or Belief in the United Nations (1946-1993), Intersentia Publishers, 2000


Shapiro, S. R., Human Rights Violations in the United States: A Report on U.S. Compliance With the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Human Rights Watch, 1994


Harris, D., et. al., The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and United Kingdom Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1995



Eide, A., Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Aspen Pub, 2001


Craven, M. C. R., The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Perspective on Its Development, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1998


Sohn, L. B., Guide to Interpretation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, Transnational Pub, 1998


Arambulo, K., Strengthening the Supervision of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Theoretical and Procedural Aspects, International Specialized Book Service Inc, 1999


Goldewijk, B. K., et. al., Dignity and Human Rights: The Implementation of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, Transnational Pub, 2002


McChesney, A., Promoting and Defending Economic Sociall & Cultural Rights, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2000


Merali, I., et. al., Giving Meaning to Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2001


Karim, R., et. al., Beyond Civil Rights: Developing Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in the UK, Stylus Pub Llc, 2002


Goldewijk, B. K., et. al., Where Needs Meet Rights: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in a New Perspective, International Specialized Book Service, 2000


Beddard, R., et. al., Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Palgrave-Macmillan, 1991


Beddard, R., et. al., Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Progress and Achievement, Palgrave-Macmillan, 1992



Teaching, Education, Culture, and Information As Means of Eliminating Racial Discrimination. Implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, Bernan Association, 1985


Schafer, B., The United Nations' Struggle Against Racism and Racial Discrimination, University of Essex Human Rights Centre, 2001


Boutros-Ghali, B., The United Nations and Apartheid, United Nations, 1996


Pritchard, S., ed., Indigenous Peoples, the United Nations and Human Rights, The Federation Press, 1998



Commonwealth Secretariat, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Commonwealth Secretariat, 1988


Rehof, L. A., Guide to the Travaux Preparatories of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Hague, 1993


United Nations, Bringing International Human Rights Law Home: Judicial Colloquium on the Domestic Application of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention, Bernan Association, 2001


United Nations Staff, Promoting Women's Rights As Human Rights, Bernan Association, 2000


Division for the Advancement of Women, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women - The Optional Protocols: Text and Materials, United Nations, 2000


Human Rights Watch Women's Rights Division, Women's Human Rights Step by Step: A Practical Guide to Using International Human Rights Law and Mechanisms to Defend Women's Human Rights, Stylus Pub Llc, 2003


Landsberg-Lewis, I., Bringing Equality Home: The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Women Ink, 1998


Rights of Women: A Guide to the Important United Nations Treaties for Women's Human Rights, Women Ink, 1998



Burgers, H. J., et. al., United Nations Convention Against Torture: A Handbook on the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Aspen Pub, 1988


Boulesbaa, A., The U.N. Convention on Torture and the the Prospects for Enforcement, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Hague, 1999


Ingelse, C., The UN Committee Against Torture: An Assessment, Aspen Pub, 2001


Evans, M. D., et. al., Preventing Torture: A Study of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999


Van Bueren, G., Childhood Abused: Protecting Children Against Torture, Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment and Punishment, Ashgate Publishing Co., 1998


Morgan, R., et. al., Protecting Prisoners: The Standards of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture in Context, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999





Cholewinski, R., Migrant Workers in International Human Law: Their Protection in Countries of Employment, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1997




Korey, NGOs and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Curious Grapevine, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2001


Welch, C. E., Jr., ed., NGOs and Human Rights: Promise and Performance, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 2001

★★★★★ アムネスティ・インターナショナル、ヒューマンライツ・ウォッチ、国際法律家委員会などの国際人権NGOの活動に加え、開発NGOが社会権との関連で果たしてきた役割についても検討。


Clark, A. M., Diplomacy of Conscience: Amnesty International and Changing Human Rights Norms, Princeton University Press, 2001


Power, J., Like Water on Stone: the Story of Amnesty International, Northeastern University Press, 2002


Weeramantry, L. G., The International Commission of Jurists: The Pioneering Years, Aspen Pub, 2000


Tolley, H. B., Jr., The International Commission of Jurists: Global Advocates for Human Rights, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1994



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